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A Bit About My Writing

[This space could contain your longer reflection, or if you plan to split your reflection up across pages, this space could contain a brief introduction to your website. If you write your reflection all in one spot, it should be 500-1000 words. You will also need to include blurbs about each of your artifacts to explain their place in your portfolio. Why have you included them? What do they demonstrate? How do they prove that you have met the course outcomes?

For the reflection, you should try to answer the following questions: What did you learn about yourself/how did you grow as a writer this semester? How do the artifacts you've included on your site show that growth? How did you meet the course outcomes this semester (be specific; make a clear argument for how you met the outcomes), and how did you grow as a writer in doing so?


If you want to write an introduction to your website instead of using your reflection as the intro, try answering these questions: What is the purpose of the website? What would you like visitors to know about you as a writer after viewing your site? (If you write an introductory homepage, you will need to include reflection on the outcomes/an argument for how you met the outcomes on the pages where you include your artifacts.


You should also use this space to tell readers how to navigate your website. For example, something like: "You can navigate this site and see the artifacts that I think demonstrate my growth as a writer by using the menu at the top of the page."]

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